Can’t wait to get to Minnesota in July?? Our on-line registration site for Conference 2014 is now LIVE! Here’s the link:
Important reminders:
Conference site is Bethel University in St. Paul, MN
Conference runs from Sunday, July 27 thru Sabbath, August 2
Weekly rooms go from Sunday night thru Saturday night (check out on Aug. 3)
Weekly meals go from Sunday supper thru next Sunday breakfast
Bethel is a NO SMOKING campus
Flights go in and out of Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP)
There is a $20 per person charge for airport shuttle service, each way
No need to pre-pay; you may send a check later or pay at the Conference site (although paying now will speed up your on-campus check-in process!)
Before you register, please read the Expected Conduct form here (that you will need to mark as read when you register), the Registration Instructionshere (to help you make decisions on room and board plans), and please PRAY for this year’s Conference with President Steven James’ theme, “CHOOSE.”