Owen Promoted to Director of Communications

Written by Jeremiah Owen

October 6, 2014

owenEmerging Media Director Jeremiah Owen has been promoted to Director of Communications effective January 1, 2015. Jeremiah has done an outstanding job in his role over the past two years establishing a significant social media presence for the SDBs through Facebook, Twitter, and a host of other media channels. He has also maintained the denomination website at SeventhDayBaptist.org since the fall of 2013. 

Owen was instrumental in implementing livestreaming of our annual General Conference meetings and has assisted several churches with creating their own websites. All of Owen’s previous responsibilities will be transferred to his new position and the role of Emerging Media Director will be eliminated. Owen will also add the responsibilities for managing the work of the TCC (American Sabbath Tract and Communication Council) such as budgeting, status reporting, and Conference Session related activities. Pat Cruzan will continue in her present position as Interim Sabbath Recorder editor, reporting to the Director of Communications.

The Director of Communications reports to the SDB Executive Director, Rob Appel. You may direct any questions regarding this position to Rob. Rob can be contacted by phone at (608) 752-5055 or email at robappel@seventhdaybaptist.org or by regular mail at the SDB Center at PO Box 1678, Janesville, WI 53547.

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