On May 9th, at the end of each worship service, Pastor George Calhoun announced that as of May 30, 2015 he would be stepping down as Senior Pastor of the Milton SDB Church after 24+ years of service. He will be teaching at Judson University and pastoring a church in Elgin IL.
The Connecting Church Leadership Council has appointed Pastor Nate Crandall to be the interim lead pastor following the announcement that Pastor George would be stepping down from his role as senior pastor. Having served as the associate pastor since 2007, Pastor Nate is ready and excited to lead the church through this time of transition.
According to Pastor Nate, “The church is God’s chosen instrument for advancing His kingdom in the world and revealing His glory. He takes special interest in its health and well being. Remember Jesus’ words, ‘I will build my church.’ He is building a great church among us. I am filled with tremendous anticipation and great hope for our future together.”
If you have any questions about how the church is being led during this interim period, please do not hesitate to call Pastor Nate at 608-322-8824 or email him at pastornate@miltonsdb.org.