by John Pethtel | Jul 23, 2018 | Church News, Conference News, Pastoral Services, SDB Exec Blog, SDB News, SDB World Federation, USA (MD) - Central SDB Church
Reverend David L. Taylor JANUARY 28, 1945 – JULY 19, 2018 After a 10 month battle with cancer, Reverend David Lesley Taylor of Bowie, Maryland passed away in his home on Thursday, July 19, 2018 at the age of 73. David moved to Maryland with his wife, Margaret, in 2007...
by John Pethtel | Jul 19, 2018 | Church News, Conference News, Pastoral Services, SDB Exec Blog, USA (MD) - Central SDB Church
Our beloved friend, pastor, and servant of God has gone to meet His creator face to face. Pastor David Taylor passed from this world at 2:30am this morning (July 19, 2018) after battling brain cancer. There will be more information regarding Memorial Service...
by Jeremiah Owen | Jul 16, 2018 | Featured Missions, SDB Missions
This just in from the SDB Missionary Society: “Give up Coffee Challenge Starts today, Sunday, July 15th! In order to Hit the Grounds Running, you are being challenged to give up coffee for this week – Sunday July 15th – Saturday July 21st, 2018. Just give up one...
by Jeremiah Owen | Jul 15, 2018 | Conference News, Tract & Communication Council
Registered for Conference 2018.? Check. Booked your travel. Check. Downloaded the ALL NEW SDB Conference App and stay connected at Conference like never before! Download the new SDB Conference app and plan your schedule, play the Conference game, connect with other...
by Jeremiah Owen | Jul 6, 2018 | Christian Education, Conference News
Attention families of children who will be in the Conference Nursery (and anyone else interested in volunteering)!! The Conference Nursery will be open for kids through age 4 during the mornings, afternoons, and evenings on Monday-Friday and Sabbath morning...