by Nicholas Kersten | Nov 30, 2018 | Christian Education
As we approach the first printed Sabbath lesson for the new quarter of the Helping Hand, it is time to update the progress on the delays reported early last week. We are glad to report that we believe we have parcels in transit to nearly all of our subscribers who...
by Nicholas Kersten | Nov 27, 2018 | Christian Education, Education, School of Ministry
The SDB School of Ministry is proud to announce that registration for classes in our Ministry Leadership or Pastoral Leadership programs for the Spring 2019 semester is now open. Students wishing to register for classes should follow this link and register for...
by Jeremiah Owen | Nov 26, 2018 | Sabbath Recorder
In this issue of the Sabbath Recorder: Levi Bond – Christmas is Optional For Christians Jasmine Lynch – Why Celebrate Christmas Rev. Scott Hausrath – Christmas is Opportunity for Christians Cheri Appel – Christmas or Not And much more!...
by Nicholas Kersten | Nov 21, 2018 | Christian Education, Education
Yesterday, we informed Helping Hand subscribers on the blog that we have encountered a significant difficulty in the delivery of Helping Hands for the coming quarter, which begins on Sunday, November 25th. Today, we would like to update the status of this matter and...
by Nicholas Kersten | Nov 20, 2018 | Christian Education
We have become aware of significant difficulties in the delivery of print copies of this quarter’s Helping Hand. Because of a crowded print and mailing season surrounding the recent mid-term elections for our current vendors which delayed printing and mailing...