by Jeremiah Owen | May 30, 2020 | Sabbath Recorder
In this issue of the Sabbath Recorder: It’s Meant To Be Shared – Rev. Chris Galarneau The Way You Walk Matters – Pastor Michael Spearl Pursuing the Frontiers of Our Mission – Pastor Steve Osborn Reintroducing SDB Conference...
by Nicholas Kersten | May 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
The time has come once again for Seventh Day Baptists who have completed our yearly Scripture Memory Program to report their completion! Despite the cancellation of the in-person portion of our yearly General Conference sessions, we still intend to honor those who...
by Carl Greene | May 27, 2020 | Church Development, Conference News, SDB Exec Blog, SDB News, Uncategorized, USA (WV) - Lost Creek SDB Church
This article is written by Pastor Johnmark Camenga of the Lost Creek SDB Church, providing a picture of how God is at work in and through one of our local SDB churches participating in the SDB Church Revitalization Grant program. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying,...
by Andrew Samuels | May 22, 2020 | Uncategorized
Greetings, Pastors! I hope you are all doing well and staying (mostly) sane, by the grace of the Lord! The SDB Missionary Society has a continuing education committee (CEC), and one of its roles is to seek to participate in the education of our churches regarding...
by Carl Greene | May 22, 2020 | Conference News, General Council, Uncategorized
In this time of Covid-19 coziness and transitions what better way to spend the weekend than in a virtual world with the General Council members. Pastor Steve Osborn, CO, Ericessen Cooper, NY, Andrew Camenga, PA, Dr Ralph Macintosh, CA, and myself, Patti Wethington, MI...