URGENT Reminder: Conference Offering

We hope that you have enjoyed and benefitted from our Virtual Conference Week. The Directors and a team of amazing volunteers helped to make this week happen for you. Please visit the Virtual Conference Week 2020 page and you can get a recap of each day’s events and videos.

This week and the other ministries of our General Conference (church planting, missions, SCSC, history & archives, social media, The Sabbath Recorder, ministry education, and more) cannot keep happening without you and your generosity. Without it, our churches, pastors, leaders, and communities suffer.

Our offering during Conference Week each year does a lot to bolster the budget of the General Conference and its ministries (around $20,000). Since we won’t be together in person, we are counting on our partners (churches and individuals) to help us actively advance God’s Kingdom by reaching this goal.

We are asking that your church designate August 1 (or another Sabbath in August) to collect an offering or encourage individuals to give towards the ministries of the General Conference. We also would ask that you might have a time of prayer during that same day for the ministries of the General Conference and our churches. Individuals are encouraged to participate as well. Will you join us?

THREE WAYS TO GIVE! (Please designate your giving for Conference Offering 2020)
Option 1: Give during your local SDB church’s gathered worship time.
Option 2: Mail your gift to: SDB Center, PO Box 1678, Janesville, WI 53547. 

Option 3: Give online.

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