You might have gotten tired of hearing about it. We posted a Conference Offering Announcement on the SDB blog, there were reminders in the Sabbath Recorder and on social media–even reminders sent directly to churches. We mentioned that since we won’t be together in person during Conference Week, we are counting on our partners (churches and individuals) to help us actively advance God’s Kingdom through financial partnership. You clearly heard . . . and responded. Thank you!
Actually, thank you does not fully convey our gratitude for the response to this year’s Conference Offering. We went above and beyond our goal of $20,000.
As of September 8th we have received $21,888.97 for the 2020 Conference Offering. This is certainly a tremendous blessing to celebrate as this offering leverages our work together in church planting, church revitalization, leadership development, and gospel saturation. We continue to join God in the work that He is doing in, through, and among Seventh Day Baptists–and we are now better prepared to make increasingly bold strides forward, together.
If you still want to participate in the 2020 Conference Offering, you can mail your gift to: SDB Center, PO Box 1678, Janesville, WI 53547 or
you can click this link: Give online.
Even more, our work of prayerfully advancing God’s Kingdom together is a work in progress. Please continue to pray. Please continue to volunteer. Please continue to vibrantly live out your calling through your local church. Please continue to be a blessing.
Thank you for the privilege of serving alongside you, in partnership together, for God’s glory.
Grace and peace,
Carl Greene, Executive Director, Seventh Day Baptist General Conference of USA and Canada