by Jeremiah Owen | Oct 30, 2020 | Sabbath Recorder
In this issue of the Sabbath Recorder: Developing Leadership in our SDB Churches – Rob Appel A Look at Developing Leaders – Althea Rood Counterformative Leadership Practices – Carl Greene Ten Women Voted – And Their Votes Were...
by Carl Greene | Oct 28, 2020 | Church Development, Conference News, Council on Ministry, General Council, SDB Exec Blog, SDB News, Uncategorized
While some announcements are simply the news that you have to share (which is usually bad news), other announcements are a joy to share because they reflect significant progress or something to celebrate. This is one of those joy filled announcements. On behalf of the...
by Andrew Samuels | Oct 26, 2020 | SDB Missions
The SDB Missionary Society values and appreciates its partnership with the churches, families, and individuals of the SDB General Conference of the USA and Canada. Our partnership is a local one, with a global impact. For the first time, we are initiating a meeting of...
by John Pethtel | Oct 23, 2020 | Church News, Conference News, SDB Exec Blog, SDB News
There has been a recent swell in positive COVID-19 cases in the United States on the whole in recent weeks. There have also been positive COVID-19 cases in SDB churches in recent weeks. These factors coupled with the weather becoming colder in much of the country...
by Carl Greene | Oct 21, 2020 | Christian Education, Church Development, Conference News, Council on Ministry, Education, General Council, Pastoral Services, SDB Exec Blog, SDB News
Here is a quiz for you. What famous person received this criticism during their lifetime? “Alas, this man will never get anything done, for he is thinking about the end before he begins.” If you guessed Leonardo da Vinci, you would be correct. In fact, the genius...