Registration for Spring 2021 SDBU Classes Is Open!

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Written by David Fox

December 22, 2020

The SDB School of Ministry is proud to announce that registration for classes in our Ministry Leadership and Pastoral Leadership programs for the Spring 2021 semester is now open.  Students wishing to register for classes should follow this link and register for classes prior to the close of registration at the start of the new semester.

The Spring semester begins on February 8, 2021 and ends on May 21, 2021.


Ministry Leadership Certificate:

SDBU 211 – Biblical Preaching

SDBU 230 – New Testament Survey

SDBU 260 – Introduction to Evangelism and Apologetics

SDBU 261: Introduction to Missions

SDBU 280 – Practical Ministry Skills

Pastoral Leadership Certificate:

SDBU 341 – Seventh Day Baptist History – SUMMER INSTITUTE
**This course requires 5 days in person at the SDB Center in Janesville**

More information about the application and registration process is available here.

Students meaning to apply to begin classes in February should submitted their applications immediately so that they can be properly admitted prior to the beginning of classes next semester.

Students meaning to apply to begin classes in September (Fall 2021) should submit their application by July 15th, so that they can be properly admitted prior to the beginning of classes in September.

For more information about SDBU, click here.

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