In agreement with the General Council decisions to move Conference and other denominational activities, the SCSC Committee and Training Director have determined 2021 Training and projects will move to a virtual format this year. The coronavirus pandemic continues to bring uncertainty to the world and the safety of SCSC students, staff and church projects are our utmost priority. The 2020 virtual season was a blessing to those involved, and plans are being made to optimize this experience for 2021.
We invite eligible young adults to consider SCSC Leadership Training and projects involving their local church and virtual involvement with other church groups. Time is short for application. Information and forms may be found at the SCSC drop down tab.
Churches—there is still opportunity to apply for a project. There will be training and support for project directors and assistance connecting with SCSC students to help with portions of your ministry.
NEW DEADLINE for Students and Projects is February 28, 2021.