SDB General Conference Awarded Another Round of Grant Funding

Janesville, WI. The Seventh Day Baptist General Conference of USA and Canada has been awarded grant funding through a partnership with the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE). As announced by Brian Kluth, Spokesperson for NAE Financial Health, “The National Association of Evangelicals considers it a wonderful privilege to partner with the Seventh Day Baptist General Conference. We are grateful to God for the life-giving, grant-funded Financial Health online training and pastor honorariums to serve SDB pastors, spouses, and their families.”

The grant provides honorariums to pastors who are called to a Seventh Day Baptist Church and invest in their emotional, spiritual, physical, and/or financial health. As stated by SDB Director of Church Development and Pastoral Services, John Pethtel, “We highly value our pastoral leaders and want to uphold them in any way we can so that they can pursue greater health. This partnership with NAE affirms our emphasis on investing in healthy leaders so that we can have even healthier churches.”

Funding for the initiative is from the Lilly Endowment Foundation and administered by the National Association of Evangelicals. The collaboration between the NAE and the SDB General Conference is recognition of efforts that Seventh Day Baptists have been making through their healthy churches, healthy leaders initiative that includes emphasis on the health of pastors and their families.

The NAE was founded in 1942, and seeks to honor God by connecting and representing evangelical Christians in the United States. It represents more than 45,000 local churches from 40 different denominations and serves a constituency of millions. NAE headquarters are in Washington, D.C. while staff live and work all throughout America. The SDB General Conference of USA and Canada consists of evangelical Baptists who hold to keeping the seventh day Sabbath of the Bible as sacred time. From their first church in America, founded in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1671, until today, Seventh Day Baptists have been a Christ-centered, Bible believing people with traditional family values.

For SDB pastors who would like more information about this grant opportunity, please contact

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