by Nicholas Kersten | May 28, 2021 | Christian Education
We are happy to announce that the Summer 2021 quarter of the Helping Hand is now available. Mailed physical copies for subscribers should’ve already arrived. Digital copies of the publication can be found on Kindle or from our Web Store here. A summary of...
by Carl Greene | May 26, 2021 | Church Development, Conference News, Education, Pastoral Services, SDB Exec Blog
Fascinating Barna research data that came out in May 2021: “three-quarters of non-practicing Christians (74%) say they would be interested in churches if they offered preaching and programs on mental health.”[1] That is a lot of people who are searching. Will we...
by Carl Greene | May 19, 2021 | Conference News, News, SDB Exec Blog, SDB News
Honey is sweet, bees are neat, and Virtual Conference is a treat. That is a bad rhyming sequence meant to stick with you. I’ve got more. But first, do not miss the news that Virtual Conference Week 2021 events have been announced: SDB Virtual Conference Week 2021...
by John Pethtel | May 12, 2021 | Church News, Conference News, Council on Ministry, News, Pastoral Services, SDB Exec Blog, SDB News
In our desire to increase the recognition of our local church pastors we are requesting nominations for two annual awards: The David L. Taylor Pastor’s Heart Award and The Excellence in Preaching Award. The David L. Taylor Pastor’s Heart Award is an annual...
by Jeremiah Owen | May 5, 2021 | Sabbath Recorder
In this issue of the Sabbath Recorder: His Grace is Sufficient – Kevin Butler When in Doubt, Give Grace – Pastor Michael Spearl Restorative Faith – Pastor Jamaal Fyffe Dark Night of the Soul – Althea Rood Restored with Testimony – Carl...