Summer Helping Hand Available!

Written by Nicholas Kersten

May 28, 2021

We are happy to announce that the Summer 2021 quarter of the Helping Hand is now available.  Mailed physical copies for subscribers should’ve already arrived.  Digital copies of the publication can be found on Kindle or from our Web Store here.  A summary of this quarter’s lessons can be found below:

Hope is a hallmark of Christianity. People look for hope in many places in this life. But when it comes down to it, they all come up empty—except for Jesus Christ. Because of His once for all sacrifice, He pardoned us from our sins and purchased for us eternal life. 100% guaranteed. We no longer have to fear, worry, or doubt. He fills us with hope.

The study this quarter looks at God’s gift of faith as the source of hope. Sessions from the Gospels illuminate hope and faith in the teachings and miracles of Jesus. Sessions from the Epistles show how the early church understood God’s gift of salvation through faith in Christ as the source of hope.

Unit I, “Jesus Teaches about Faith,” has five sessions that reveal the hope and faith that come through Jesus’ teachings and miracles. The sessions from Matthew demonstrate that faith in God is the primary source of hope and confidence. The miracles in Mark and Luke illustrate the power of faith.

Unit II, “Faith and Salvation,” has four sessions that explore in Paul’s Letter to the Romans his understanding about the hope of salvation through faith. The letter teaches that God’s righteousness is revealed in those who live by faith. Paul illustrates faith through the example of Abraham. He unpacks the teaching about being reconciled to God by justification through faith and teaches that salvation is for all.

Unit III, “Faith Gives Us Hope,” has four sessions that focus on faith as essential for the hope of eternal life. Hebrews defines faith in Christ as a basis for hope and tells how faith in Christ gives hope that helps people persevere in all circumstances. First John promises that faith conquers the world. Second Corinthians teaches -about hope in God’s gift of eternal life.

We hope that your study this quarter will grow your hope in God’s work in our world and your life!

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