Introduction to Missions 261
The whole Bible shows that God desires to be glorified in every people group in the world and taught His people and disciples to be a light to all nations. But about 1/3 of the people in the world still live in a people group where there are no Christians, or so few Christians that it’s unlikely they will ever even hear the name Jesus. Not only that, but a recent Barna poll showed that 51% of church attenders don’t even know what the Great Commission is. What does the Bible say about this, and what is the believer’s responsibility?
Maybe you don’t feel called to missions but you think you should learn more about it. Maybe you’re psyched to partner with God to be glorified in all the nations, but you are looking for some guidance. Maybe you’re a pastor who is getting more training and is curious.
The SDBU Intro to Missions class is a practical class with real-life application. Taught by Miriam Berg, this 14-week course uses videos, readings, reflection, and action projects to help you discover how you can be involved in your own church and your own city. We’re here to help you know what you can do and to do it! The course is open to people who are not formally part of SDBU 200 level certificate/leadership classes. Please reach out to Nick Kersten for more information.