The 2021 SDB Conference Offering is close to surpassing the amount donated in 2020! Thank you so much for your partnership in ministry as a Conference of Seventh Day Baptist Churches. What a joy to actively advance God’s Kingdom together through joining the Lord in His work of church planting, leadership development, church revitalization, and gospel saturation.
We can still make Kingdom impact through the 2021 SDB Conference Offering. The window for receiving the 2021 SDB Conference Offering ends on September 1st, 2021. We will then announce the total. Here are some ways that you can still participate in the Conference Offering:
- A check to your local SDB church, noting General Conference Offering in the memo
- A check directly to the SDB General Conference (PO Box 1678; Janesville WI 53547) noting General Conference Offering in the memo
- Online giving at:
Last year, the Conference Offering provided over $20,000 for SDB ministry. That generous offering ensures that we live out our collective purpose together as a Conference of churches. We are grateful for the privilege of working alongside you in ministry. We are collectively blessed through God’s restoration. We are mutually challenged to live out His purpose. For His glory. Together. Today.