Conference Week is July 24 – 30, 2022 and registration is coming soon! We are looking forward to gathering together at the University of Colorado Springs, CO, and need everyone to start making their plans to attend. Get ready for registration by soaking in the information about the week, along with the theme of “How Great is Our God!” I would recommend that you watch President Charlotte Chroniger’s informative video about the week (President’s Video).
In the February issue of the Sabbath Recorder, President Chroniger invites us to read through the Psalms and other passages that point us toward God’s great love. She encourages us to share our reflective thoughts about these passages with someone. Here is your opportunity! I would love to hear from you about what God is surfacing and revealing about Who He is.
If you are a visual person, there are undoubtedly reminders all around you that point you to God’s greatness. Please send me a picture(s) of what reminds you of God’s great love and His awesome Sovereignty. Please send your picture and/or thoughts to I am looking forward to sharing the pictures that you send in!