Jesus Es Tu Solucion

Exciting things are continuing to happen on the south side of Houston—in, through, and around one of our newer Seventh Day Baptist Groups, Jesus Es Tu Solucion. This church has been sponsored by the First Seventh Day Baptist Church of Houston and is currently in the process of seeking membership in the SDB General Conference.

The church is led by Pastor Miguel Leiva and his wife Adriana. There are also a number of dynamic individuals in the church who are gifted worship leaders. The church meets in a rented facility, providing a spacious sanctuary for weekly worship as well as a great space for Wednesday Bible Studies. The Seventh Day Baptist Memorial Fund has partnered with Jesus Es Tu Solucion to provide rent assistance as the church seeks to actively advance God’s Kingdom in the corner of the city that God has called them.

When I joined this group for worship again this past week, I was struck by the sincerity and authenticity of people as they shared with one another in prayer and conversation. The dynamic worship team guided us in wonderful, God glorifying worship. I am thankful for this group graciously welcoming me to share a sermon with them—thank you to Pastor Miguel for ‘cleaning up’ my broken Spanish and translating as needed!

I hope that you join me in praying for the work that Jesus Es Tu Solucion is engaged in.  I also hope that we, as Seventh Day Baptists, are encouraged by the work and effort that is being expended by many in Texas and throughout the United States and Canada as we lean all the more into church planting.

If you want to learn more about SDB church planting and participate in conversations about how God is leading us in this work into the future, attend General Conference Week 2022! We have an amazing blessing to join God in the work that He is doing to actively advance His Kingdom. Even more, what a joy that He calls us into this work together, in partnership together as Seventh Day Baptists!

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