Might there be some SDB news that came out under your radar? Here are a series of links to catch you up on what has been underway in recent weeks.
Conference Week 2022 Registration – Conference Week is July 24 – July 31, 2022 at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. The registration deadline is quickly approaching—if you plan to attend, now is the time register!
The Mann Gulch Wildfire of 1949 – Check out an example of some of the content that your SDB Conference Directors are generating for a wide readership. This article is posted by the Billy Graham Center of Wheaton College.
SDB Missions Week Record Breaking Offering – See the SDB Missionary Society announcement of this year’s Mission Offering—good news indeed!
May Sabbath Recorder – Read the latest Sabbath Recorder!
SDB General Conference Awarded Grant – Here is an article about one of the five grants received by the SDB General Conference so far in 2022.
Pastors Conference 2022 – What happened at Pastor’s Conference in West Virginia this year? Here is your update.
Why is Kevin Butler Going to Conference Week 2022? – Check out the video of Kevin Butler telling us why he is headed to Colorado Springs in July.
Conference Week Registration Count – Take in the recent blog about Conference Week registrations and how far we have to go to reach the registration threshold by May 23rd.