Time to Report for Scripture Memory Program!

Written by Nicholas Kersten

June 10, 2022

It’s time once again for individuals and churches who have participated in this year’s Scripture Memory Program to report their completion so that they can be properly recognized and their local SDB church can be eligible for awards related to the Program.

Each year, the Christian Education Council encourages the members of local Seventh Day Baptist churches to commit themselves to memorizing the Scriptures as part of our Scripture Memory Program.  The verses selected for the program by the presiding Conference President are usually related to their selected theme.  There are three age levels for the program: one for primary age groups (ages 5-8), one for juniors (9-12) and one for youth and adults (13+).

In 2021-2022, our Conference theme has been “How Great Is Our God,” as selected by our Conference President Charlotte Chroniger.   The verses for the program this year surround this theme.  Individuals had the option of memorizing a designated longer passage of Scripture instead of the monthly verses if they desire.  This year, the longer passage is Psalm 23 or Psalm 8:1-9.

With the completion of this year’s program, member churches of the General Conference can report their members who complete their program to the Christian Education Council for the recognition of their members.  In addition, the Christian Education Council recognizes the church with the highest number of members who have completed the program with the Mary G. Clare Scripture Memory Bowl in honor of the congregation’s achievement.  An additional award, the Andrew J. Camenga Award, is awarded to the church with the highest percentage of participants.

The reporting form to officially submit the names of those who have completed the program can be found here. The deadline for submission is July 8, 2022 for those who wish to receive certificates and be eligible for awards.  Those making submissions are asked to double check spellings of names, as the names as printed on the reporting form are what will be used to generate the certificates for participants.  Certificates will be sent to local churches along with program material for next year in August in advance of next year’s program start.  Awards will be announced in late July, and sent to churches early this autumn.

We trust that those who participated in the program this year benefitted from their study, and we thank all the participants.  We look forward to seeing more participants in the coming year!

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