Seventh Day Baptists have long treasured the equipping of our leaders through higher education to work in and through healthy local churches. We have simultaneously cherished our unique heritage, recognizing that by remembering the past, we inform our present, and plan for the future (SDB Vision Map). The Charles, Margaret, and Levi Bond Seminary Scholarship Fund reflects our mission of equipping leaders alongside our core value of heritage.
In 1996, the family and friends of the Rev. Charles H. Bond (1915-1996) began a fund “to perpetuate both the memory and the ministry of this dedicated Christian who spent his earthly life spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ from parish pulpits, in religious camps, and in many homes and communities. . .”[1] In 2008, Rev. Bond’s wife, Margaret Skaggs Bond (1915-2008) was added to the scholarship. And now in 2022, as we continue to grieve the passing of Pastor Levi H. Bond (1978-2022), we add his name to the Scholarship Fund to remember well the faithful lives of those who have gone before us, while planning for the future.
Pastor Levi served as the assistant pastor of the Portland Area SDB Church, president of the SDB Northwest Association, and first vice president of the SDB Missionary Society. He was a friend to many, an advocate of missional SDB ministry, and an encourager of emerging leaders. As Pastor Levi’s name is added alongside that of his grandparents in the Seminary Scholarship Fund, the purpose of the fund remains the same: to encourage the equipping of SDB leaders through further education.
If you would like to contribute to the Charles, Margaret, and Levi Bond Seminary Scholarship Fund in their memory while also preparing SDB emerging leaders for the future, you can do so by going to or sending a check to the SDB Center; PO Box 1678; 3120 Kennedy Rd; Janesville, WI 53547.
[1] Quote is from the fund’s original document.