New Initiative: SDB Visiting Instructors Program

Written by Carl Greene

March 1, 2023

A new initiative is rolling out. We are multiplying the tools in our faith communication tool box here in North America through an innovative partnership. The Seventh Day Baptist General Conference of USA and Canada will be hosting two Visiting Instructors from the SDB Africa Bible College in the fall of 2023. The Visiting Instructors will provide opportunities for us to gain a broader understanding about public witness of our faith, more tools to communicate our own faith stories, and a greater appreciation for how we are invited to join God in His gospel work daily.

About the SDB Africa Bible College

The Seventh Day Baptist Africa Bible College (ABC) was launched by the SDB Missionary Society out of a clearly expressed need for theological and ministry training for pastors and other leaders. The mostly virtual college began in July 2021 and encompasses 12 training modules over a two-year period. After two or three modules, the students are brought together in one location for a face-to-face seminar to reinforce the material they have been working on. (See SDB Africa Bible College).

The next face-to-face seminar is just around the corner. 16 of the 19 ABC students will gather in Rwanda, March 7-11, 2023. The modules to be reinforced at the Seminar include Evangelism and Preaching/Worship. Instructors will be Pastors Garfield Miller and Andy Samuels. Pastor Carl Greene has also played a vital role in reviewing the written assignments for half of the students and giving them valuable feedback on those assignments. During the 4-day Seminar, the students will have opportunities to share in evangelistic efforts in the community around one of our local churches. They will also have opportunities to preach a sermon and receive constructive feedback from the class, as they seek to develop their preaching gifts.

Visiting Instructors Program

This fall, two Visiting Instructors from Africa who are currently participating in the SDB Africa Bible College will attend North American SDB regional gatherings, participate in SDBU teaching opportunities, and also provide training at the SDB Center in Janesville, WI. More details about the schedule will be forthcoming. You do not want to miss opportunities to participate in this initiative!


The Visiting Instructors initiative is thanks to a collaborative partnership between the SDB Missionary Society, the SDB Memorial Fund, and the SDB General Conference of USA and Canada. The SDB Missionary Society is the catalyst behind the educational initiative of the SDB Africa Bible College and the SDB Memorial Fund is providing funding to make training by Visiting Instructors here in North America possible.

Ultimately, we are partnering with God in actively advancing His Kingdom. Please be in prayer as we prepare for this amazing opportunity—together. What a blessing that SDBs from around the world are partnering together in God’s gospel work. We are better together.

Grace and peace,

Rev. Andrew Samuels, Chief Executive Director of the SDB Missionary Society

Rev. Dr. Carl Greene, Executive Director of the SDB General Conference of USA and Canada

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