Janesville, WI. The Seventh Day Baptist General Conference of USA and Canada (seventhdaybaptist.org) has been awarded another round of grant funding to disburse to pastors serving in local SDB churches. This most recent grant award is a testimony to the active participation and quality feedback of SDB pastors in the first grant round awarded by the National Association of Evangelicals (nae.org) and the Lilly Endowment.
As announced by Brian Kluth, National Spokesperson for the NAE Financial Health and Bless Your Pastor initiatives, “It has been a tremendous privilege for the National Association of Evangelicals to partner with the Seventh Day Baptists to serve their pastors-spouses, leaders, and congregations. SDB’s active participation in the Lilly Endowment grant-funded pastor honorariums have led to pastors improving their financial health.”
To date, the SDB General Conference has provided over $100,000 in honorariums to participating SDB pastors thanks to the grant funding from the National Association of Evangelicals, the Lilly Endowment, and the SDB Memorial Fund. Seventh Day Baptist pastors can find out more information about this new honorarium opportunity by going to: https://naefinancialhealth.org/sdb/.