Announcing the David L. Taylor Pastor’s Heart Award

Written by Carl Greene

August 16, 2023

We are pleased to announce that Pastor Deryck Thomas and Pastor Helmer Umana are this year’s recipients of the David L. Taylor Pastor’s Heart Award. Both pastors are ideal candidates for this award and we celebrate their gospel centered ministry. Pastor Deryck Thomas ministers at the Agape SDB Church of Christ in St. Alban (Queens), NY. Pastor Helmer Umana serves at the SDB Christian Church (Iglesia Cristiana BSD) in Silver Spring, MD.

Pastor Umana, Executive Director Carl Greene, Director of Church Development John Pethtel

The Seventh Day Baptist Council on Ministry annually recognizes a pastor “for exhibiting a genuine calling to shepherd God’s people with biblical counsel and a loving spirit.” This award recognizes the dramatic investments that our pastors make, but also highlights the ongoing shepherding that takes place day in and day out. The award honors Pastor David L. Taylor’s legacy by recognizing pastors who consistently exhibit a pastor’s heart and is a blessing to others.

Whenever we speak of the pastor’s heart, we think of a pastor with a gentle heart. One who has a genuine calling on their life to shepherd God’s people. A pastor who is trusted with confidential information yet helpful in counseling others biblically. This is a pastor who celebrates with those who saw God’s blessings and favor and commiserate with those who experience suffering and loss. Thank you Pastor Thomas and Pastor Umana for serving with a pastor’s heart.

Looking forward toward 2024

Anyone can nominate a candidate for the David L. Taylor Pastor’s Heart Award. The submission should include a brief biography of the candidate (including but not limited to contact information, SDB church service, and family information) as well as a summary of how they exhibit a pastor’s heart. Submissions may be sent to the Director of Pastoral Services ( Please consider nominating your pastor or another pastor who you know that exhibits these characteristics. The recipient of the David L. Taylor Pastor’s Heart Award must be a called pastor of a member church or a retired pastor in a member church in the SDB General Conference USA & Canada and over the age of 18.

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