Spring 2024 Helping Hand Is Available!

Spring 2024 Helping Hand is available. The cover is shown here.
Written by Nicholas Kersten

February 29, 2024

The Helping Hand for Spring (March – May) 2024, titled “Examining Our Faith”, is available for purchase in English both physically from the SDB Center, digitally from our online store, and on Amazon for Kindle. Those interested in the Spanish language editions should contact Director Nick Kersten for more information and to subscribe.  All print and digital copies, both in English and Spanish, have been sent to all subscribers in their chosen formats, but because of printing delays this quarter, physical copies may not make it to all subscribers before the quarter’s first lesson.  We encourage anyone who has not received their print copies to download this digital version of the first three weeks of this quarter’s publication below and notify us if they have not received their print versions.  We understand that most domestic subscribers have received their publications at this time.   As a reminder, subscription and purchase prices for this year’s Helping Hand have increased.  You can read more about that change, which came into effect last quarter, here.

Editor Steve Osborn introduces the new quarter’s publication in this way:

Faith is, again, the subject for our study this quarter. This time, we will explore the fullness of faith as a response to God’s desire to be in relationship with us. The lessons of this quarter ask: Is your faith steadfast? Are you contending for the faith? Our study will guide the learner to a reaffirmation of their confidence in God, because without faith it is impossible to please God.
Unit I, “Faith-FULL Versus Faith-LESS,” has five lessons drawn from Jude, Second Corinthians, First Peter, Acts, and Mark that invite learners to turn the challenges of life into opportunities for nurturing a vibrant faith instead of giving up, turning away from God, or rejecting faith. Jude appeals to us to contend for the faith that was once entrusted to the saints. The second letter to the Corinthians warns Christians to examine themselves to make sure they are living in the faith. Peter urges his readers to defend their faith with humility, gentleness, and reverence. Acts encourages the church to be obedient to the faith using Stephen as an example. In Mark, God raised Jesus from the dead and in so doing unlocked the door to Resurrection faith.
Unit II, “The Measure of Faith,” has four lessons drawn from Luke and Matthew to discuss the range of Christian faith. Luke cites four friends who went through various obstacles to get their sick friend to Jesus for healing, and when Jesus saw their faith He forgave and healed the paralytic; Luke looks at the faith of a centurion who amazed Jesus with his faith, and Jesus acknowledged He had not found such faith in all Israel; Luke identifies a sinful woman Jesus forgave because she had much faith; and Matthew identifies a Canaanite woman recognized by Jesus for her great faith.
Unit III, “Standing in the Faith,” has four lessons drawn from Romans that encourage believers to continue standing in the faith. The first lesson indicates that the righteousness of God comes through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. The second lesson provides an example from the life of Abraham. The third lesson explores the meaning of being justified by faith, and the fourth lesson traces faith that comes from what is heard through the word of Christ. Thus, those who are called by Christ’s name are encouraged to confess with their lips, believe in their hearts, and stand in faith daily.
May God bless your faithful study of His Word this quarter!

Our contributors this quarter are:

Daily Bible Meditations:
Gabriela Alonzo serves as a trustee for the SDB Memorial Fund. She is a worship leader at the SDB Christian Church in Silver Spring, Maryland (Iglesia Cristiana Bautista del Séptimo Día). She has also served in the White Cloud (MI) SDB Church. Her professional work involves legal advocacy for immigrant refugees and asylees.
Lisa Moore came to Christ at the age of 14 and has been hungering and thirsting after God ever since. Involved in ministry since conversion at the Beulah Church of the Nazarene, Lisa became a member of the New York City SDB Church in 2001 after the Holy Spirit convinced her that the Sabbath was to be observed by believers. Her life is lived with one goal in mind, to hear “Well done thou good and faithful servant!”
Denovia Mckenzie is a member of the Open Arms SDB church in Toronto, Canada. Her favourite verse in the Bible is John 15:5 because it reminds her that she must be dependent on God. She is a university student pursuing a degree in English, Professional Writing & Communications and History.
Kaymian Weekley is a member of the Maiden Hall SDB Church in St. Mary, Jamaica. She loves the Lord and is committed to serving him. Enjoys teaching Sabbath School weekly and is passionate about service to God and country. She loves her family and tries to be a mother to the children in her church and community. She likes nature, gardening, meal preparations, singing and dancing for the LORD. She also enjoys being an aunt to her wonderful niece Zahria.

Understanding and Living:
David Fox and his wife, Rachel, have two elementary-aged daughters, Elyse and Kathryn. He is a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta and is passionate about building God’s kingdom through serving in local churches and training future leaders through SDBU.
Chaplain (MAJ) Jerry Johnson has represented the SDB denomination in the U.S. Army since 2004 and will be retiring in the spring of 2024 from his final tour as the Family Life Chaplain at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and is continuing in ministry as a mentor in the Doctor of Ministry program at Columbia Biblical Seminary and School of Missions in South Carolina.
Steve Osborn lives with his wife, Angie, in Colorado where he is Lead Pastor at Frontier Church-Carbon Valley (Dacono, CO). He also serves SDBs as a member of General Council, Helping Hand Editor, SDBU Instructor, and Church Planting Coach.
Joan Small serves in a variety of roles as a member of the New York City (NY) SDB Church, including pulpit duties. She is a student in SDBU, an Early Childhood Elementary Teacher, and has three adult children and a delightful granddaughter. Joan loves to spend time in God’s presence and desires to please Him with every fiber of her being.
Tim Smothers lives with his wife Karen in Springfield, MI and is the Pastor of the Battle Creek (MI) SDB Church.

Download the first three weeks of this quarter’s publication here: 2024 Q2 (MAM) Large Print Lessons 01-03

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