I have found myself in the Emergency Room on a number of occasions. Normal: stick in the eye. Not-so-normal: E coli vaccination for cows administered in my thumb (really, but that is a long story). Whether normal or not-so-normal, I have never hoped the doctor would say, “Let’s heal this as lightly as possible.” I am looking for full, restorative healing.
With my medical emergencies in mind, I have been struck by the words of Jeremiah that call out the religious for trying to heal “lightly.” “They have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.” (Jer. 6:14, ESV) Ouch. I do not think this is just a tendency in the past, we still try to get around difficult realities by avoiding the real issues.
As churches, we can be prone to seeking out healing that is light. Rather than working through the difficulties of revitalization and renewal as a community, we resign ourselves to light healing so we avoid disappointment. We figure that some superficial healing is better than an open wound. That was not the case with a stick in my eye. Certainly not my experience with self-inflicted E Coli. Healing lightly is not healing at all.
Healing requires intentionality, especially as a community of believers in a church. Jeremiah 6:16 offers the antithesis of light healing: joining God in His good way, and walking with Him so we find “rest for your souls.” True rest, with real peace.
There is a great opportunity coming up to examine a specific road together – the Road to Revitalization (R2R). The Road to Revitalization is a registration-only online invitational event to encourage you to take the PULSE of your church and then pursue greater church health.
You can expect an hour-long presentation and discussion surrounding church health via Zoom. Anyone is welcome to register and attend. Safety glasses and thumb protectors are optional.
The Road to Revitalization 2024: Will Your Church Exist in 10 Years?
WHEN: March 24 @ 3pm Eastern
WHO: Anyone