SDB Retreat

Written by Carl Greene

June 12, 2024

What a fantastic weekend. The SDB Vital Preaching Retreat was held at the SDB Deep South Camp (Oak Hill, FL). We were led by Rev. Dr. J. Michael Jordan (Houghton University) who shared from his just published book, Worship in an Age of Anxiety: How Churches Can Create Space for Healing.

SDB Vital Preaching

The SDB Vital Preaching initiative provides emerging ministry leaders with contemporary faith communication skills by providing a series of in-person retreats and immersing them among veteran ministry leaders as mentors. The first in-person gathering was at the SDB Summit in southern New Jersey (April 26 – 29) and the second event has been the retreat at the SDB Deep South Camp. In between sessions, participants are meeting with their mentors and working on video recordings of their faith communication.

Discussion focused on preaching along with the practice of liturgical time, liturgical space, music, and ordinances. We further examined the role of SDB ministry leaders faithfully guiding gathered worship—both today and into the future.

SDB Vital Preaching is made possible through a Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Grand Rapids, Michigan, with funds provided by Lilly Endowment Inc.

Want to know more about SDB Vital Preaching? More information will be included in the upcoming SDB Newsletter, Our Road Ahead, sent out by mail. If you do not receive the mailer, please let us know at:


Pastor Keith and Audra McCall (SDB Deep South Camp Hosts), Dr. J. Michael Jordan (Houghton University), Joyvis Henderson, Liam Probasco, Jonathan Hunyady, Keith Barnes, Carl Greene (SDB Conference), Evan Kane, Josiah Kenyon, Anthony Reynel-Hernandez, Adriana Alonzo, John Pethtel (SDB Conference), Isaac Floyd, Samuel Greene, Asabe Miller, Logan Curran.

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