Shouldn’t It Be Obvious?

Written by Carl Greene

July 31, 2024

What comes after a year-long focus on Unearthing the Church? The answer is becoming more and more obvious.

Pastor Johnmark Camenga gave us a direct challenge in his book, Unearth the Church:

“A culture of discipleship and the ongoing work of discipleship and the maturing of disciples is the most important and most telling fruit of a church. Doing this work and developing this culture is the command Jesus gave to his church in the post-resurrection world. How is your church doing with discipleship?” (p. 68)

The call to examining our discipleship process as SDB churches presses us toward the follow up theme for the upcoming ministry year, “Shouldn’t It Be Obvious?”

As stated by incoming President, Pastor Tom Davis, “If we are going to Unearth the Church, we have to start by unearthing ourselves. Getting rid of our old selves, putting on our new selves in Christ. Johnmark has challenged us to look at our fruit. My challenge is to start with myself. We cannot expect the church to bear fruit if we are not bearing fruit. I cannot expect my church to bear fruit if I am not bearing fruit.”

Our work to unearth the church is just beginning. Over the upcoming year, we will be pressing into practical ways to more fully live as Christ’s disciples. We will intentionally move toward Christ’s obvious call to be disciple-makers.

Afterall, shouldn’t living for Jesus be obvious 52 weeks of the year?

Ministry Partnership

The Conference Offering represents our partnership of SDB churches providing the resources to actively advance God’s Kingdom. Together we join God in His work of unearthing missional discipleship in obvious ways.

Here are some ways that you can participate:

  • Online giving — Conference Offering 2024
  • A check to your local SDB church, noting Conference Week 2024 Offering in the memo
  • A check directly to the SDB General Conference (PO Box 1678; Janesville WI 53547) noting Conference Week 2024 Offering in the memo

The window for receiving the offering ends on September 2nd, 2024.

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