Women’s Society

Preserving The Seventh Day Baptist Legacy
Every woman who is a member of a Seventh Day Baptist Church within our General Conference, is a member of the Women’s Society. We are an organization of volunteers, including the Board officers. As our key verse instructs, we endeavor not to be served, but to serve. We meet at least annually as a whole Society, usually at our General Conference Sessions. In between Society meetings, the Board of Directors carries out the mission and ministries of the Society. Our Board of Directors consists of 5 officers and 4 Committee Chairwomen. More information and our current slate of officers and committee members can be found on our website. Click here to visit the SDB Women’s Society Webpage
Mission: To glorify God through promoting individual and corporate growth within Seventh Day Baptists.
Ministry Focus: Developing gifts, growth, generosity, and corporate gathering in order to foster healthy relationships and sustain them among local congregations and the larger body of Seventh Day Baptists.
If you are looking for historical information about any of these ministries, visit our website http://www.sdbwomen.org/. You can also e-mail the Women’s Society President at womenssociety@seventhdaybaptist.org
SDB Women’s Society Website
Current Ministries
- Annual Love Gift Collection-an offering collected to support ministries within our global missions efforts, conference ministries, and other compassion endeavors.
- Recognitions- including Robe of Achievement -to recognize the generosity of a woman’s lifelong service to her church, community, and denomination. Click Here for Robe of Achievement Nomination Form & WISE (Women In Service Everywhere)-Honors a woman who may work more behind-the-scenes serving women in her local area. Recognize someone whose service may be incognito! Click Here for WISE Award Nomination Form
- As an auxiliary society, we are continuously looking for ways to collaborate with the other ministries within our conference.
Doris Holston Featherston, 1st recipient of the Robe of Achievement, 1964. She was also notably our first woman General Conference President
2 women utilized the Women in Ministry Tuition Fund to attend the Multiply Conference.
Gifts & Growth
- Summer Christian Service Corps- a program for young adults to develop leadership skills within the context of church ministries. Click here for SCSC Forms
- Women in Ministry Tuition Fund-Purpose is to aid growth through spiritual renewal & continuing education. Click Here for Tuition Fund Info & Application
- Stephanie Sholtz Wellness Fund-designated to assist pastoral leaders and their families who desire to seek greater wellness (emotional, spiritual, physical, financial, etc.). Click Here for Wellness Fund Information & Application
- Hospitality-a coordinated effort with the Host Committee at our General Conference sessions to ensure that everyone feels welcome and part of our SDB family.
- Banquet-a celebration and time of fellowship for the ladies of our Conference.
- Conference Seminars-A time to gather together and learn about topics of interest.
- Resources for Women’s Ministries-a collection of ideas and activities to bring fresh life into your local church’s ministries. These are included on our website http://www.sdbwomen.org/ in the Resources Tab and Pinterest page. Click Here for Pinterest
Conference 2019 Seminar on Hospitality Ministries using IF: Table materials.