The Helping Hand – Summer 2022



When it comes to creation, reconciliation, and restoration, I think we would have to agree that God has a pretty good business model. What would you say if He invited you to join Him as a full-partner? That would be pretty amazing, wouldn’t it? Here’s the thing…according to Scripture, He has done exactly that. He has put each of us, as believers, onto His team. The Creator God of the Universe welcomes us to join Him in His Kingdom work.

Members of Christ’s body have the grand opportunity to be co-laborers with the ever-abiding Spirit of God in reconciling, re-creating, and rightly restoring all things in the eternal reign of God. This summer quarter considers ways in which believers are partners with God in creation.

Unit I, “God Delivers and Restores,” has four lessons. Using three chapters of Isaiah, this study explores God’s predictions of the future destruction of Babylon and deliverance for Israel. These events were evidence of God’s power at work to grant mercy and redemption to the penitent and to restore God’s people to a state of peace and prosperity.

Unit II, “The Word: The Agent of Creation,” has five lessons taken from John’s Gospel. The lessons stress how the Creating Word, at work in and with humanity, became flesh, healed the sick, saved the lost, resurrected the dead and granted—through the Holy Spirit—peace.

Unit III, “The Great Hope of the Saints,” is a four-lesson study drawn from Revelation. The study helps learners envision the new home and city God has prepared for the redeemed. In this new heavenly environment, the saints will enjoy the new water of eternal life.