The Helping Hand – Summer 2023




The Helping Hand for June – August 2023, titled “The Righteous Reign of God”,

Though many of us may have grown up fantasizing over what it would be like to be a King or Queen, few of us have experience that helps us understand the kind of authority inherent to such a system. In fact, many cultures promote the idea of rebelling against any kind of au-thority. Because we have had too many experiences of negative uses or even abuses of authority, something inside you may tend to bristle at hearing the word. However, understanding God’s authority and learning to trust and submit to Him as our King helps us to experience the true benefits of the principles He has established for Kingdom Living.
The Summer quarter of the Helping Hand explores the broad sweep of biblical teaching about the nature of God’s reign, beginning with Old Testament declarations of God’s righteous power. Both Old and New Testaments depict God as “king over all the earth” (see Psalm 47:2).