BCE Office Sale Complete

As many of you know the BCE’s merger with Conference has been moving along (praise the Lord) one of the last major hurdles has been cleared! Andrew Camenga writes:”The  sale of the Van Horn Building (BCE Office) is complete (as of December 31). The county...

Next Steps Happening in SDB Christian Education

Last weekend the directors of the Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education, Inc. (BCE) met in Alfred Station, NY and through tele-conferencing.  The group reviewed the progress of dissolution and merging Christian Education ministry into the organizational...

BCE Transition already in the works

At the October 2013 meeting of the BCE directors, we resolved to “move toward merging” with the General Conference “as soon as practical.” As it turns out, as soons as practical may mean by the end of 2014.[note:  Throughout this...

BCE Directors Vote to Approve Plan

On Sunday, June 29, 2014, the board of directors of The Seventh Day Baptist Board of Christian Education (BCE) set in motion a process to ensure that the ministry of BCE is merged into the ministry of the General Conference.Last October, in response to a General...