SDB Design Sprint Retreat

SDB Design Sprint Retreat

What is a Design Sprint Retreat? This past weekend, it involved over 20 participants representing 6 Seventh Day Baptist Churches. We gathered in Alfred Station, NY at Camp Harley Sutton and the Alfred Station SDB Church from Friday, April 5th to Sunday, April 7th. And...
Will Your Church Exist in 10 Years? Visit the Road to Revitalization to Find Out

Will Your Church Exist in 10 Years? Visit the Road to Revitalization to Find Out

Will your church exist in 10 years? Visit the Road to Revitalization (R2R) to find out! The Road to Revitalization is a registration-only online invitational event to encourage you to take the PULSE of your church and then pursue greater church health. You can expect...
When the Water Is Gone

When the Water Is Gone

An imposing octagonal tower stands on a prominent hill in Beloit, WI. The limestone walls are 8 feet thick at the base, tapering in thickness as they rise above the ground a total of 36 feet. The structure was completed in 1889 to address the need to fight fires in...

Mending the Church (The Summit 2021 & MULTIPLY 2021 Combined) Registration is Open!

This year we are combining The Summit (A SDB Pastors Conference) and the 7th annual MULTIPLY Church Development Conference (NOVEMBER 5-7, 2021).  Our theme will be MENDING THE CHURCH. There will be times when these groups will be in separate tracks for the weekend....