by Carl Greene | Dec 21, 2020 | Church Development, Church News, Conference News, Council on Ministry, General Council, News, SDB Exec Blog, SDB News
On behalf of the SDB General Council, Pastor Ericessen Cooper (General Council Member, NYC SDB Church) announced the selection of Rev. David Stall as the incoming SDB Church Planting Coordinator: “Pastor Stall brings a vast amount of experience to this...
by Carl Greene | Feb 5, 2020 | Church Development, Conference News, Council on Ministry, Education, Pastoral Services, School of Ministry, SDB Exec Blog, SDB News, Uncategorized
Save the dates! This update about our Annual SDB Pastors Conference is provided by the Director of Pastoral Services, Rev. John Pethtel. I am personally looking forward to the opportunity to soak in the content of this event, and especially eager to experience the...
by Carl Greene | Jan 15, 2020 | Christian Social Action, Conference News, Featured Missions, SDB Exec Blog, Uncategorized
An update on ways that SDB’s can partner together for disaster relief in Puerto Rico: 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits...
by Carl Greene | Jan 15, 2020 | Christian Social Action, Featured Missions, SDB Exec Blog, Uncategorized
22 Sabemos que toda la creación todavía gime a una, como si tuviera dolores de parto. 23 Y no solo ella, sino también nosotros mismos, que tenemos las primicias del Espíritu, gemimos interiormente, mientras aguardamos nuestra adopción como hijos, es decir, la...
by John Pethtel | Jan 13, 2018 | Church News, Conference News, SDB Exec Blog, SDB News, SDB Week of Prayer, SDB World Federation
Sabbath, January 13, 2018 The Meeting Place was Shaken Powerful Prayer Happens When We Gather Together and Rest in Christ Scriptures to Consider: Genesis 2:18; Psalm 73:25; Matthew 18:20;...