by Nicholas Kersten | Jun 2, 2023 | Christian Education
Having familiarity with the words of God in Scripture is one of the most important disciplines we can cultivate in our spiritual lives as we seek to follow Jesus Christ. Seventh Day Baptists value God’s Word highly and have prioritized it in all of our...
by Nicholas Kersten | Jun 10, 2022 | Christian Education
It’s time once again for individuals and churches who have participated in this year’s Scripture Memory Program to report their completion so that they can be properly recognized and their local SDB church can be eligible for awards related to the Program....
by Nicholas Kersten | Dec 14, 2021 | Christian Education
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise, give thanks to Him and praise His name. – Psalm 100:4 When the people in bible times worshiped together, they went to the tabernacle, and later, to the temple. These were both surrounded by gates that...
by Nicholas Kersten | Oct 1, 2021 | Christian Education, Education
How great is our God!! Conference President Charlotte Chroniger has chosen this as our Conference theme for this year. What a wonderful way to remind us all year long of the goodness of God! This year’s Scripture memory program is centered around the Psalms, and many...
by Nicholas Kersten | Jun 8, 2021 | Christian Education
As we enter the month of June, we have once against reached the season where churches who have members who have completed this year’s Scripture Memory Program need to report the names of their participants so they can be properly recognized! Each year, the...