Pastors, It’s Time to Reach for the Summit! Are you Southern NJ bound?

Pastors, It’s Time to Reach for the Summit! Are you Southern NJ bound?

Are you a SDB pastor, church planter, or pastor-type person? You should be @ The Summit. Do you have a pastor? You should send them to the Summit. This is typically a highlight event for ministers in SDB churches. We don’t want you to miss out. The Summit 2024...

Mending the Church (The Summit 2021 & MULTIPLY 2021 Combined) Registration is Open!

This year we are combining The Summit (A SDB Pastors Conference) and the 7th annual MULTIPLY Church Development Conference (NOVEMBER 5-7, 2021).  Our theme will be MENDING THE CHURCH. There will be times when these groups will be in separate tracks for the weekend....