Vision Map 

Vision Map

Why does the General Conference exist?

Our mission is to equip our churches to actively advance God’s Kingdom.

We have been commissioned by Jesus Christ to share His gospel. God has been and will continue to work through us to make new disciples and transform us into greater Christ-likeness.

How do we actively advance God’s Kingdom?

Church Revitalization

We partner with our churches to provide and implement a process to pursue greater church health and accomplish God’s specific mission/vision for that church.

Church Planting

We remove obstacles that prevent people in North America from gathering as an SDB expression of faith and encourage our churches to network together to start new churches.

Leadership Development

Leaders are discovered, developed, and deployed throughout our network of churches as an investment towards actively advancing God’s Kingdom.

Gospel Saturation

Because we have been transformed by the gospel, we cannot help but engage in public witness of the gospel by proclamation and demonstration until everyone has heard the name of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

How do we equip our churches?

Healthy Leader, Healthy Church Initiatives

We develop and support new and existing leaders who will work through healthy local churches. Leaders include pastors, as well as people who have served, are serving, or desire to serve in local churches.

Equipping our Churches

The Future of Seventh Day Baptists

What are our core values?

Bible and Spirit Led: The Bible is the Word of God and the standard for our faith and practice. We expect the Holy Spirit to inspire and lead us as we fulfill our mission.

Local Church Focus: Our membership is made up of local churches who have
the freedom and responsibility to worship, educate, and share the Gospel. We provide support to and through local churches.

Seventh Day Sabbath: We are a people who lovingly observe the 7th day Sabbath (Saturday) as a day of rest. It is a blessing, not an obligation.

Our Heritage: We exist because our forefathers were faithful in preserving our unique heritage. We will continue to remember our past, to inform our present,
and plan for the future.

What are identity markers that we seek?

Compassionate Biblical Living: People demonstrate compassion by ministering to others we meet, as Jesus did. Our daily living should Biblically demonstrate the love of God. Friendly family feel. All people will feel welcome and valuable in our churches whether they are a member or just visiting.

Kingdom Family: We will communicate and treat each other as if we are family because we are brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. All people will feel welcome and valuable in our churches and Conference.

Volunteer Focused: Volunteers are encouraged, empowered and mobilized to serve. Many ministries are successfully supported by passionate volunteers.
(Through these opportunities, leaders are identified and developed.)

Generous Givers: People unselfishly contribute time, talent, possessions, and
finances as God has blessed them.

Wise Stewardship: Stewardship is wisely demonstrated in managing all of the resources God has entrusted to us. We actively use and invest what God has given us rather than just storing it away.